Ethiopian Airlines allows pets (dogs and cats) to travel as carry-on baggage in the cabin, checked baggage in the aircraft hold, and as air cargo. You must make pet reservations in advance as ET accepts a limited number of pets on its flights. When booking your pet, you must provide all details about your pet—such as size, weight (incl. pet carrier), breed, type of pet carrier, your departure and destination airports, etc. 

Flying With Pets on Ethiopian Airlines—Major Highlights 

The major highlights of Ethiopian Airlines pet policy are as follows:

  • Ethiopian Airlines accepts only dogs and cats on its flights.
  • Pets must be transported in airline-approved carriers/containers/kennels. 
  • Pets are allowed in the aircraft cabin, as checked baggage, and as air cargo.
  • Pet are allowed in the aircraft cabin only if:
    • The combined weight of the pet plus carrier does not exceed 17.6lb/8kg. 
    • The size of the pet carrier does not exceed 55cm x 40cm x 20cm.
  • The number of pets allowed in the aircraft cabin is 2 in Economy Class and 1 in Business Class (Cloud Nine).
  • Pets weighing between 17.2 – 70.4lb (8 – 32kg) must travel in the aircraft hold as checked baggage. 
  • Pets weighing more than 70.4lb/32kg can only travel as air cargo.
  • Service animals (only dogs) are allowed to travel free of charge in the passenger cabin.
  • The one-way pet fee for:
    • Pets transported in the cabin as carry-on baggage is:
      • USD 100/CAD 140 for domestic flights.
      • USD 150/CAD 210/EUR 120 for international flights.
    • Pets transported in the hold as checked baggage is:
      • 5 times the excess baggage rate for domestic flights.
      • USD 370/CAD 518 for international flights.
  • You must make advance reservations for your pet, regardless of how your pet is travelling.

Ethiopian Airlines In-Cabin Pet Policy

What is Ethiopian Airlines’ pet policy for pets travelling in the cabin?

Ethiopian Airlines only accepts a limited number of dogs and cats in the aircraft cabin per flight—2 in Economy Class and 1 in Business Class (Cloud Nine). 

  • Pet Weight. The total weight of your pet (incl. carrier) must not exceed 17.6lb/8kg. 
  • Pet Carrier
    • Must be IATA compliant.
    • Can be up to 55cm x 40cm x 20cm.
  • Pet Fee. The one-way pet fee for pets travelling in the aircraft cabin: 
  • For domestic flights within Ethiopia is USD 100/CAD 140.
  • For international flights is USD 150/CAD 210/EUR 120.
  • Pet Reservations. You must make advance reservations for your pet, preferably at the time of booking. The quickest way is to call Ethiopian Airlines at or the local office in your city/country. 
  • Pet Forms.  A health certificate showing proof of vaccination, issued within 10 days of travel by a qualified vet. Plus, any other requirements of the country you’re visiting. 
  • Trained Service Animals (only dogs) can travel free of charge with their owners in the passenger cabin. They must be properly muzzled and harnessed.
  • Number of Pets
    • Economy Class 2 pets 
    • Business Class (Cloud Nine) 1 pet
  • Other Conditions

Ethiopian Airlines Checked Pet Policy

What is Ethiopian Airlines’ pet policy for pets travelling as checked baggage?

If your pet dog or cat weighs more than 17.6lb/8kg and/or the pet carrier size exceeds 55cm x 40cm x 20cm, it can travel in the aircraft hold as checked baggage. The temperature and pressure in this section of the aircraft are the same as that in the passenger cabin.

  • Pet Weight. The total weight of your pet (incl. carrier) must not exceed 70.4lb/32kg. 
  • Pet Carrier
    • Must meet IATA standards.
    • Can be larger than 55cm x 40cm x 20cm.
  • Pet Fee. The one-way pet fee for pets travelling in the aircraft hold as checked baggage is:
    • 5 times the excess baggage rate for domestic flights.
    • USD 370/CAD 518 for international flights.
  • Pet Reservations. Advance pet reservations are required, ideally when booking your flight. You can call Ethiopian Airlines at or the local office in your city/country. 
  • Pet Forms.  A health certificate issued by a qualified vet within 10 days of travel, plus any other requirements of the destination country. 
  • Number of Pets. Subject to flight route and aircraft. 

Ethiopian Airlines Pet Cargo Policy

Pets weighing more than 70lb/32kg must travel as air cargo on Ethiopian Airlines.  

  • Pet Weight. Can be more than 70lb/32kg (incl. pet carrier/container/crate). 
  • Pet Carrier. 
    • Must comply with IATA standards.
    • Must be large enough for the pet to be comfortable in. 
    • Must be made of sturdy material, such as wood, metal, or plastic. 
    • Must be properly secured with screws/bolts.
    • Must prevent your pet from escaping. 
    • Must not allow any part of your pet’s body to stick out. 
    • Must be leakproof.
    • Must be properly ventilated.
    • Must have securely attached and separate dishes for watering and feeding. 
    • Must be properly labelled.
  • Pet Forms
    If you’re travelling from Addis Ababa to anywhere in the world, you will require to submit a scanned copy of the following documents to the email IDs provided below (under Pet Reservations):
    • A veterinary certificate from the Ministry of Ethiopian Agriculture
    • A health certificate
    • An export permit
    • An import permit/Passport
    • Tracker ID: Preferred but not mandatory
  • Pet Reservations 
    • Must be made at least 3 days before departure 
    • Send an email (with the above-mentioned documents) to:
      •, with a copy (CC) to

Note. If you want to cancel or change your pet reservation, contact the above-mentioned offices at least 24 hours before your cargo flight’s departure. 

  • Pet Cargo Charges. Ethiopian Airlines’ pet cargo charges are based on the gross weight or volumetric weight based on the pet cage dimensions (in kilos), whichever is higher. 

Example. If your dog weighs 35kg and its cage weighs 15kg, its gross weight is 50kg. However, if your pet’s cage measures 121cm x 62cm x  87cm, its volumetric weight (L x W x H / 6000) turns out to be 108.78kg, which will be the basis for calculating the cargo weight on the invoice, as it is the higher of the two weights. 

If you have any doubts or need assistance, contact Ethiopian Airlines’ Cargo Sales at or 1-312-919-0989.

Travelling with Service Animals on Ethiopian Airlines 

Ethiopian Airlines allows trained service animals (only dogs) to travel in the cabin free of charge on all flights with their owners. Service animals can only include guide dogs that have been trained to lead blind and deaf passengers. However, you must notify the airline ahead of time. Some of the important points to remember are as follows: 

  • You must notify Ethiopian Airlines in advance when travelling with a service animal. 
  • Check with the airport/local office if there are any additional regulations you need to comply with. 
  • You must provide written documentation/identification cards/credible verbal assurance that your dog is trained to assist you with your disability. 
  • Exit row seats are restricted due to safety reasons. 
  • To request a specific seat, contact Ethiopian Airlines in advance. 
  • The service dog must be trained to lead seeing- or hearing-impaired passengers. 
  • The service dog must be properly muzzled and harnessed at all times. 
  • The transportation of service animals is subject to applicable local and governmental restrictions.

One thought on “Ethiopian Airlines Pet Policy”

  • Ly nn Botha barker says:

    Do you have transit facilities for dogs. Our dogs have a 24 hr lay over. Are they taken out of their crated? do they get medication if required. Are the crates cleaned of wet bedding or any faeces?
    Where are the dogs housed whilst they await their flight from Addis ababa to Heathrow. ? our dogs x2 are flying Ethiopian airline on 13th June . They will fly cargo

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